Workshops und Events auf einen Blick
Bühnentanzabend "Dance" der DanceEmotion Academy
DanceEmotion Theatersaal
Die DanceEmotion Academy - Berufsfachschule für Bühnentanz - zeigt an ihrem Bühnentanzabend die Vielseitigkeit ihrer Ausbildung anhand stilistisch gänzlich unterschiedlicher Choreographien in Contemporary, Jazz, HipHop und Ballett.
Ästhetische Linien, Schwerelosigkeit. Loslassen, auf den Boden gleiten. Rhythmische Isolationen, explosive Energie. Robotterartig anmutende Bewegungen.
Die TänzerInnen der DanceEmotion Academy bestechen durch Musikalität, Dynamik und ein hohes tanztechnisches Niveau.
22. Februar 2025
19.00 - 21.00 Uhr
DanceEmotion Theatersaal
>> Tickets für Bühnentanzabend Dance bei Eventfrog
DanceEmotion Academy
Berufsfachschule für Bühnentanz und Tanzpädagogik
Humboldtstraße 3
79098 Freiburg
tel. +49 761 72524

Bühnentanzabend "Dance" der DanceEmotion Academy
DanceEmotion Theatersaal
Die DanceEmotion Academy - Berufsfachschule für Bühnentanz - zeigt an ihrem Bühnentanzabend die Vielseitigkeit ihrer Ausbildung anhand stilistisch gänzlich unterschiedlicher Choreographien in Contemporary, Jazz, HipHop und Ballett.
Ästhetische Linien, Schwerelosigkeit. Loslassen, auf den Boden gleiten. Rhythmische Isolationen, explosive Energie. Robotterartig anmutende Bewegungen.
Die TänzerInnen der DanceEmotion Academy bestechen durch Musikalität, Dynamik und ein hohes tanztechnisches Niveau.
23. Februar 2025
19.00 - 21.00 Uhr
DanceEmotion Theatersaal
>> Tickets für Bühnentanzabend Dance bei Eventfrog
DanceEmotion Academy
Berufsfachschule für Bühnentanz und Tanzpädagogik
Humboldtstraße 3
79098 Freiburg
tel. +49 761 72524

DanceEmotion Theatersaal
Join us for one week of high-intensity training with our qualified dance educators. Get to know our team, train in our unique facilities, and explore various dance styles. Start your mornings at the academy and continue your training in our advanced classes in the afternoons and evenings. Gain insight into the world of stage dance and elevate your skills to the next level!
Daily Schedule - Stage
Your training begins every day at 8:30 AM with ballet, followed by contemporary and jazz.
The morning classes end around 1:30 PM, after which you have a lunch break.
Your afternoon/evening classes start at 5:00/6:00 PM.
In addition to ballet, contemporary, and jazz, you’ll also have classes in heels, hip hop, dancehall, and Afro house.
The training day ends around 9:30 PM.
Anmeldung/Ticket: >> TRAIN. DANCE. TRANSFORM.
Here is your teaching team
Erika Correa - Ballett
Ivan Korneev - Ballett
Cornelia Engler - Ballett
Vivian Navega - Contemporary/Ballett
Viktoria Matveeva - Contemporary/Heels
Yassine Barbouch i- HipHop/DanceHall/AfroHouse/Popping
Rando Castillo - Jazz
Christina Schnock - Jazz
During the intensive week, you will experience the daily routine of our professional dance training. For potential applicants, this week also serves as an audition.
The intensive week costs €245.
For more details information, write to
Anmeldung/Ticket: >> TRAIN. DANCE. TRANSFORM.

DanceEmotion Theatersaal
Join us for one week of high-intensity training with our qualified dance educators. Get to know our team, train in our unique facilities, and explore various dance styles. Start your mornings at the academy and continue your training in our advanced classes in the afternoons and evenings. Gain insight into the world of stage dance and elevate your skills to the next level!
Daily Schedule - Stage
Your training begins every day at 8:30 AM with ballet, followed by contemporary and jazz.
The morning classes end around 1:30 PM, after which you have a lunch break.
Your afternoon/evening classes start at 5:00/6:00 PM.
In addition to ballet, contemporary, and jazz, you’ll also have classes in heels, hip hop, dancehall, and Afro house.
The training day ends around 9:30 PM.
Anmeldung/Ticket: >> TRAIN. DANCE. TRANSFORM.
Here is your teaching team
Erika Correa - Ballett
Ivan Korneev - Ballett
Cornelia Engler - Ballett
Vivian Navega - Contemporary/Ballett
Viktoria Matveeva - Contemporary/Heels
Yassine Barbouch i- HipHop/DanceHall/AfroHouse/Popping
Rando Castillo - Jazz
Christina Schnock - Jazz
During the intensive week, you will experience the daily routine of our professional dance training. For potential applicants, this week also serves as an audition.
The intensive week costs €245.
For more details information, write to
Anmeldung/Ticket: >> TRAIN. DANCE. TRANSFORM.